Tips on How to Email a Professor About Grade

how to email professor about your grade
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Do you feel worried about your college grades and want to upgrade them? Read our article to get many useful tips on how to email a professor about a grade. It’s understandable that in college, many students can be worried about their grades because getting low grades can lead them to lose scholarships and kick out of college.

There are many situations when you need to email your professor: Asking a question, inquiring about your grades, informing them about a missed class, create college essay examples, etc. If you’re wondering how to write an email to a professor, we’ll guide you, step by step. At the end of this article, you’ll find several email samples you can use for different occasions.

Of course, any student may have their own reasons for emailing a professor about grades, improving grades, or getting grade requirements. Sometimes students may be interested in their weighted GPA or feel like they get a grade lower than they should. It’s possible to send to your professor an email to explain your worries or ask any direct questions about your grade.

How to Contact Your Professor

Before you start writing your email, please think carefully about the reason for disturbing the professor. Needless to say, any teacher has a lot of courses and other things to do, so the professor’s time is limited. You have to write shortly and explain your problem clearly to not waste the teacher’s time. Needless to say, it will help to save your time too.

Make your email understandable and well-readable. In the subject line, we suggest including the reason for your writing and also adding your section and course. It will give the professor the full information about why you’re contacting him or her. In your email, it’s quite important to demonstrate your respect. For example, you can start your writing with the words “Dear Professor Carter”.

How to Write About What Concerns You

Start your email with a detailed description of yourself. Write your full name at the beginning and then create a polite ask. For example, you can start with the words, “I would appreciate it if you could explain to me some things about my grades in your class”.

Then describe your concerns shortly. Try to be very specific to make a respectful and polite concern. For example, you can ask, “I cannot understand why I got a C on my narrative essay ‘My Favorite Place to Rest’.

Then you can write any questions about the issue, for example, “Please, explain to me why I got this grade? If we could talk about this problem in person, let me know about it. I will be glad to meet with you at college.”

Don’t forget to mention your phone number and email, so the professor can contact you. Politely end your email. It’s good to write something like, “I’m thankful for reading my email. I want to get good grades in your class, and I do hope that with your reply, I can do it more effectively.”

At the end of your email, you should add a closing just like you were writing a letter. Write “Sincerely, (your name).”

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How to Respond to the Professor’s Answers

After you have sent your email, you have to wait for several days to give him time to write an answer. Don’t try to call or email again if you do not receive a response fast. Just be patient and show your respect to the professor without pushing.

When you get a reply from your professor, you can write an email to thank him for his answer. Of course, it may be not easy to improve your grade, but remember that your professor will be glad to help a student who feels worried about their grades.

What to Do if Your Professor Doesn’t Respond

If the professor doesn’t respond to your email, it may mean he or she is very busy and has no time for reading your email. Be understandable/clear and don’t show your anger. Just try to speak to your professor after the next class. You can say, “Professor, I’m worried about my essay grade and I’ve even sent you an email about it. I know you’re very busy but I just want to make sure you saw it.’’

If the professor has some time, he or she may talk to you about your problem and give you some hints on improving your grade. And if the professor is busy, he or she will plan when you two can discuss your grade. Just be patient and polite.

Don’t be afraid to follow up!

Professors typically receive 100+ emails each day. If you don’t hear back from your professor, it’s a good idea to follow up. How long should you wait before following up?

If you sent an email to your professor about a class-related issue, send a follow-up email in 2 business days (for example, if you sent an email Monday morning, follow up Wednesday morning). If you see them in class before 2 business days, it might be appropriate to stop by the podium after class and mention that you sent them an email.

If you sent an email to your professor that’s not about a class-related issue, or it was addressed to a professor you are not acquainted with personally, send a follow-up email in 3-4 business days.

5 Steps to Writing an Email to Your Professor

1. Email subject line

  • Include your class and section # (if applicable)
  • Include the subject of your message

Sample subject lines:

  • POL101 / Section 5: Question about essay
  • Senior thesis on African-American History

2. Salutation

  • Start emails to professors with “Dear Professor ...” (Your professor may or may not have a PhD, so use “Dr. {last name}” only if you are sute that’s what he or she prefers.)
  • Never start the email off with “Hey” or address your professor by their first name (unless your professor has explicitly invited your class to be on a first-name basis).

Sample salutations:

  • Dear Professor Fiji:
  • Dear Professor Williams:
  • Dear Dr. Jones:

3. Background Info

Mention how they know you or how you know them. This line is especially important for large introductory-level courses or if you’re emailing a professor you haven’t met personally.

Sample background info:

  • I am a student in your Introduction to Political Science class (POL101).
  • Professor Fiji suggested I reach out to you because the topic of my senior thesis is African-American history.

4. Purpose of your message

  • What’s the reason for your email? Get to the point and make the ask, share the info, or give the update.
  • If the purpose of your email is to make a request, note that any larger request should be preceded by conversations with your professor (e.g., you’d like them to write you a letter of recommendation or you’d like them to be your thesis advisor). If you haven’t had that conversation yet, the purpose of your email should be about finding a time to talk.

Sample asks:

  • I have a question about the essay due next Thursday and I was not able to find the answer on the syllabus. Should our essay draw only on readings listed on the syllabus or can I incorporate scholarly articles I read on my own, as long as it fits with the subject of the assignment?
  • I know you have done extensive research in this area, and I think meeting with you before I start my thesis would help me get started in the right direction. Would you be available for a short meeting next week?

5. Signature

  • Start your sign-off with “I look forward to hearing from you” or “I look forward to your reply.”
  • Follow that up with “Best regards.” A Propeller Collective favorite, “Best regards” has just the right amount of formality. “Sincerely” is a good option for more formal situations, while “Best” or “Regards” is slightly less formal than “Best regards.”
  • A popular sign-off that we do not recommend: Don’t sign off with “Thanks” or “Thank you!” Premature gratitude can make it seem like you’re making a demand and that you’re not actually grateful. Save “Thank you” for times when you want to express gratitude for something someone has already done.
  • Sign off with your full name, followed by your major and grad year.

To Sum Up

It’s not always easy to get good grades but you can talk to your professor about improving if something is getting wrong. Needless to say, for many students, it’s not easy to create all the needed academic papers on a high level. You can ask a professional company to make wonderful essays and other documents for your needs. Improve your grades without wasting your time and money!

Sample Grade Change Request Letter

Some schools have a prescribed format for grade appeal letters and some have no special requirements.

This is a sample grade change request letter to a professor as a first attempt to have a grade in a class changed. If the professor is not willing to change the grade, the student has the option of sending another letter to an appeal board. If this is done, the required forms or documents need to be included with the letter.

Name Of Student

Address Of Student

University ID Number Of Student

City, State, Zip Code


Name of Professor

Name of University

Address of University

City, State, Zip Code

RE: Grade change request for Biology 101

Dear Name of Professor:

This is a formal request that you change my grade in Biology 101 for the fall semester DATE from a C to a B. I understand why you gave me a C grade, but I hope you will change it because of certain circumstances that were beyond my control.

I received an A on every class test as well as an A on my project about the endangered frogs in this county. However, because I was not able to take the final exam, I received an F and my final grade was a C.

The reason I could not take the exam is that I was in the hospital with a concussion after an automobile accident. The accident was not my fault, and I am well now, but I was under care for two weeks, during which the final exam was held. I have enclosed copies of my medical records.

I believe that if I had been able to sit for the exam, I would have made an A or B+ grade based on my other coursework. I would be happy to take the exam at any time if you would be willing to give it to me privately.

I am a pre-med student, and a C grade in any pre-med course will greatly hamper my chances of being admitted to medical school. I would very much like to meet with you at any time that is convenient for you to discuss the possibility of my grade being raised.

I can be reached at Email Address or at Phone Number. Thank you for considering my request.


Signature of Student

Printed Name of Student

List of Enclosures: Medical Records

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Article posted on:Jul 22, 2024
Article updated on:Aug 6, 2024


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